Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Interview not being released????

Hello fellow movie fans. As we all must know by now Sony was Hacked by a team of hackers; that were ordered to do so by North Korea. North Korea is offended by the plot of the now cancelled  Sony film The Interview, that stared James Franco and Seth Rogen. I've been avoiding talking about this Sony hack because it's ridiculous, I personally dislike talking about politics behind movies and now a days it's like a different company is getting hacked every month. Yes, Yes I know it's a big deal, but I choose not to cover the acts of (Horrible Bosses 2 reference from Kevin Spacey) Balless Men that come from generations of Balless men who were to scared to stand up and take what's theres , who chooses to show that there upset behind a computer screen like cowards. Sony now also has shriveled up balls for not releasing my most anticipated comedy of the year, because of a hackers threats. Come on, really ? REALLY? Cancel a movie a week from its release because they made threats. Sony also (according to Variety) has no further plans on releasing the film via DVD nor VOD. Sony should have stuck with this film they must have known something like this would happen come on , the plot of the movie is to kill the leader of North Korea!!! Isn't it obvious you would offend them? Sony should have had the balls to release this film and not run for the hills, this is American where we have freedom of speech and film is an art that should be expressed freely. I'm disappointed Sony.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Exodus: Gods and Kings Mini-Review

This movie felt like I've seen it a million times, it felt boring... I felt like it was anti climatic, and although Christian Bale had a good performance it was like watching The Dark Knight Rises all over again (I get the feeling he misses being the Bat). Oh and my personal comedic moments were with Aron Paul, I wanted him to say his famous line from breaking bad so bad haha. I'll give this movie a 7.

-It was good just felt like another generic anti-climatic Moses movie

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sony should give up Spider-Man

If you don't already know, the movie rights to Spider-Man are owned by Sony. Which is the reason why you most likely haven't seen him in an Avengers movie, but this post isn't to announce he's coming to the next Captain America movie Civil War. It's a post about my thoughts on Sonys future with the Spider-Man fanchise and why I think they should let the right reverse back to Marvel.

Firstly, Sonys Spider-Man fanchise is in a bit of a rough patch, with the last Amazing Spider-Man Sequal not being very well perceived by critics and fans. Sony seems to be lost on where to go next with the franchise, putting on hold 2 already announced movies (Venom and The Amazing Spider-Man 3). Recently Sony had been in talks with Marvel to share the Franchise, with marvel planning on Spider-Man appearing in Civil War and have three stand Alone movies. Well, thanks to some leaked information we now know those conversations didn't fall through. I think Sony should lend Spider-Man to marvel not just for the obviously huge amount of money it'll bring them, but for the image of the Spider-Man character as a whole. What I mean by that is there's only so many Spider-Man movies you can do and so many that can fail. With so many company's like Marvel and DC building there cinematic universe, the public Seems to want to see more team up movies then standalones, and that can't be good for Sonys Spider-Man because well, they don't own any other characters but the ones known in the Spider-Man universe. The demand is growing more and more by marvel fans to see this character in the Avengers  is growing stronger and stronger. I'm scared for the franchise as it seems to only be heading into deeper waters, with Sony scrambling around unsure of there next move. Waiting to long and even worse making bad movies will rant the image of Spider-Man, and if we ever do see Spider-Man in the MCU (Marvel Cinimatic Universe) the audience may no longer be intrested in the character due to its previous history. In light of this conversation I still believe there's a chance a deal can be struck between Sony and Marvel and see the team up we've all been dying to see.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Theory of Everything Review

 "However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." - Stephen Hawking

Wow, this movie was so inspirational. From walking in thinking it was going to be just another love story, I walked out with a great time at the movies. The Theory of Everything takes you on the journey of Stephen Hawking's life as he changes the world with his scientific mind, all while battleing the Fatle Lou Gehrig's disease. Don't get me wrong this is still a love story, but not one of those sappy happily ever after story's. You see the hardship of Stephen and his wife Janes relationship, you see all there troubles and all there difficult moments (which is a real tear jerker). Oh and the actors in this movie are so good, Eddie Redmayne (who plays Stephen Hawking)  was so talented and nailed that  part everyone thing he portrays every stage of the disease so perfectly with only getting worse and worse It made me believe he had ALS! But he also looks the part , towards the end of the movie I thought they switched him out with the real Stephen Hawking! This was an amazing movie and I know this is my first movie review so I decided that my rating system  would be 1-10 (1 being the worst movie ever to 10 being the best movie I've seen in awhile). I give this movie a 8.5 , this movie was inspiring, it made me laugh and made me cry this movie is definitely one I'd recommend to watch.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sorry for the leave of absence

Hello fellow movie fans, I apologize for my leave of absence. I have been enjoying my weekend at an art festival down in Miami Beach,FL. I have been looking at allot of films here and you can expect at least two movie reviews coming hopefully by tomorrow. 

Here's the movie reviews to expect:

-Tim Burton's Big Eyes
-James Marsh's The Theory of Everything 
-(maybe) Dan Gilroy's Nightcrawler

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Official!! Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange!

Wow in light of this Deadpool casting we have other castiing news, Benedict Cumberbatch was just officially confirmed as Doctor Strange! Marvel made the announcement on there official website ( link down below ). We heard a couple weeks ago that he was in final negotiations with marvel to play the Sorcerer Supream. This new really excites me cause I personally think Benedict was the best actor out of the list of actors that were supposedly being looked at to play the role.

I'll be reporting more Dr.Strange news as it comes out.

Marvel official website ( )

Ryan Reynolds will return as Deadpool

Yes fellow comic book and comic movie fans the long awaited Deadpool movie is coming. But who will helm the the role? Non other then Ryan Renolds himself. There's a report saying that Ryan is confirmed to reprise his role as Deadpool, though not surprising with him being the number one advocate for a Deadpool movie to happen since his unspeakable  last take on the character. I love the idea based on the leaked test footage (If they decided to head towards a tone like the one shown in the test footage) I saw, it was funny and really broke the fourth wall  which really felt like a Deadpool movie. Ryan teasing us posted this on his Twitter 
I can't wait for this movie and will let you guys know more as more news comes out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Suicide Squad casting reveal

Amongst a couple of casting rumors for this upcoming DC/Warner Bros. property we officially get a cast announcement for our new "Dirty Dozen". First in the line up we have Jared Leto playing one of the most famous of villains in Batman's rouge gallery The Joker. When talking about the Joker most people include his lovable psychopathic girlfriend Harley Quinn in the same conversation. Wolf of Wall Street star Margot Robbie will be playing the role of Harley and this will be the first cinematic incarnation of the character since her first ever appearance in the Batman: Annamated Series in 1992. In a surprise twist we have Tom Hardy returning to the DC universe, but not reprising his role as Bane. Tom will be back as Rick Flag. For those who are wondering who that is or the next couple characters are, I will be posting another article about who these characters are and my thoughts about the casting. Next up on our casting news is Will Smith playing another character know for being in the Suicide Squad, Deadshot. This casting news has put me in a difficult spot, because there's no denying that will has an amazing talent in acting, but it seems like now in days he only does movies with his son Jaden Smith (Not very good movies if I might add). Although I have an Idea where they could shoe hammer Jaden in, I'd like to see Will  do this one solo. Jai Courtney will be playing a more lesser known character Boomarang, this won't be the first time we see a live action incarnation of Boomarang, as he will appear in tonight's Part 2 episode of The Flash and Arrow crossover. Last on our list is Cara Delevingne playing a character who has be both hero and villain, Enchantress. The addition to magic in this already well grounded universe set in Man of Steel will be interesting to see unfold and see  pieced together in the over all puzzle. 

That's all the casting news on Suicide Squad for now, I'm The Simple Film Fan and I'll catch on my next post.