Friday, January 16, 2015

My Oscar Predictions

Hello movie fans!! It's that time year again, where you go to the Internet look at all the nominees for the Oscars and try to watch all the movies you can before the Awards. (It's okay I do it to) but everything is not awesome this year, with our new major yellow headed friends not making an appearance this year. *cough* the Lego movie *Cough*....

 It's still okay!!! Its a hell of a list this year and I'm only gonna cover the big 3 topic; Best Movie, Best Actor, and Best Actress. Although I would talk best Animated Movie, but I'm still recovering. This is how I'm going to do it I'm going to show you the nominees and then give you my opinion on who should win and then give you my prediction on who's most likely going to win it.


Here are the nominees 

Marion Cotillard for “Two Days, One Night”
Felicity Jones for “The Theory of Everything”
Julianne Moore for “Still Alice”
Rosamund Pike for “Gone Girl”
Reese Witherspoon for “Wild”

Should win: Julianne Moore
Here performance in still Alice was beyond amazing, she helps tranform this movie and even pushes other actors to there best. 

Who's going to win: Juliannne Moore
I strongly believe Juliannne Moore will take home the award this year for her amazing performance in "Still Alice".

Next up!

Here are the nominees

Steve Carell for “Foxcatcher”
Bradley Cooper for “American Sniper”
Benedict Cumberbatch for “The Imitation Game”
Michael Keaton for “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)”
Eddie Redmayne for “The Theory of Everything”

Should win: Michael Keaton
Wow, Michael really preformed in this movie. He blew me away with his characters multiple dynamics and in movie constantly changing characters. He really Deserves an Oscar for that incredible performance.

Who's going to win: Eddie Redmayne
This was a really tough one , I think Redmayne and Keaton are neck and neck for this award. But it felt like Redmayne became Stephen Hawking. He became this world class Genius, fighting for his life against the worst possible disease. He played it so amazingly that I no longer could tell if I was even watching Redmayne or the Real Hawking himself.

The Best for last!

Here are the nominees

“American Sniper”
“Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)”
“The Grand Budapest Hotel” 
“The Imitation Game” 
“The Theory of Everything” 

Should Win: Whiplash
Maybe it because it's the most recent movie I've seen out of all the nominees, but this movie blew my mind, I loved the interaction between Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons characters. I loved the depth, the emotional trauma, and how the focused the story on those two characters (where as most movie try to fill your mind up with 10 other character developments) everything about this movie was amazing and wish there was two winners because this movie really deserves it.

Who's going to win: “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)”
This year has really been a tight race, but I really do think Birdman is going to take it this year. This movie did everything right from the cast, to the solid totally relatable story and characters. I really enjoyed this film and if you haven't seen it, don't hesitate any longer and go watch it. 

That's the list guys, are you just as upset as I am that the Lego movie got snubed? 
What the Hell Academy!?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Whiplash Review

My god this movie is....just... Boom!! (Mind Blown)

Hello movie fans, this is a review fresh out of the oven. Wow this movie is Spectacular...NO! AMAZING!! Wait not quite right on tempo.... This movie is DAMN Oscar worthy! Where do I even begin with this movie!? Okay, Miles Teller really shows that he can ACT in this movie. There's a fine line that separates GOOD actors from Talented actors. Good actors can make it believable, while the Talented ones can make me Feel it's real! This movie with Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons made me feel it! J.K. screaming and yelling!! He made me feel the Rage and the desire for greatness!! He made me want to try harder and push further. Although slightly under J.K.'s shadow in the film, Miles Teller really showed the world of his acting capabilities and won't be surprised to see him blossom into one of the best in this new generation of actors. Wow!!! What are you guys doing!? Go see this movie!! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Top 5 Most Anticipated Movies of 2015

Happy New Years fellow movie fans! I figured, what better way to start of the year then a list of my top 5 most anticipated movies for 2015. 

Here are some Honorable Mentions Before I get to the list:

After the first hilarious family guy type movie that Seth Macfarlane brought to the world, it left me wanting more. Through the whole movie I couldn't stop laughing and the chemistry and comedic timing between Seth and Marc Wahlberg is unlike anything I've seen in awhile.

Skyfall had become one of my favorite all time James Bond film, and with this new film it feels like there going back to little old school stuff. Which I couldn't be more interested in seeing. 

The New Fantastic Four film has been widely kept under wraps, but with the actors that are on bored I can only feel high hopes for this new rebooted franchise. 

Another film I don't know to much about. This film is based on the Disneyland theme park attraction (which is already a pretty awesome idea). The first trailer blew my mind and I can't wait to see more.

Alright now to the Top 5 list:


Yes although this movie has hit its rough patches, with losing director Edgar Wright. I strongly believe this movie will be good and will change the feeling of the marvel universe (hopefully) make it better then it already is. Specially with the cast behind this movie with Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas.


Yes, Finally another Jurassic park film! Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated with this franchise, it blew my mind to see these creatures that I could only see in books in the big screen. Although the last two were not up to par as the first of the franchise, this new film feels like we're going back to first movie which excites me even more.


Recently Pixar films have been a little less then amazing as were used to seeing, but with this New Pixar film I think will capture the greatness of Pixar again.   Bring back kid friendly adult humor so everyone has a good time in the movies. Can't wait!


OHHH BOY!!! After watching the first trailer my mind was blown! With James Spader voicing Ultron, I can generally feel the terror that that he brings to the the table in this movie. Some serious stuff is brewing in the Marvel Universe and I'm first in line to see it! 

1: STAR WARS VII : The Force Awakens

Yes.Yes. I know this most likely the top of everyone's list, But I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!!!!!! It's been to long since a
GOOD Star Wars movie and I feel like J.J. Abrams bring allot to this movie. Just based on the trailer, I feel like we're going back to the original trilogy. Which hopefully brings back hope to the franchise after those terrible pre-qual movies. I have hope that Disney has Steared this franchise into a one way road to success and I'm already in line to see this movie.